Monday, June 1, 2015

How Often do you Feel Truly Amazed?

I read a number of articles about the feeling of awe, wonder and amazement and I come to the conclusion that it is an important emotion that we don’t think of enough.  It is certain to improve the overall balance in our life.  The feeling of awe is otherwise known as that feeling of “reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.”  It is mind and heart expanding.
Here are some examples that would make most of us truly amazed.  What is most awe inspiring for you? 

A majestic natural landscape -- waterfalls, mountain ranges, vast deserts.

A Sunrise in Yosemite:                                          

 A Lightning in New York:

A painting or an amazing work of art.  This cathedral in Florence Italy:

Santa Croce, Firenze:

The most amazing awe inspiring experience in my scientific life is the solution of the mechanism of large molecules in our bodies.  The most awe inspiring molecule I have been fortunate to study is the enzyme that breaks down ATP and passes the energy to other parts of the cell in the form of a proton gradient.

ATPase: This is a scheme of the different parts of the protein on the cell membrane and inside the cell:

The ATPase at work is the basis of where this dancer gets the energy to dance in such beautiful movements:

To watch a video of the ATP Synthase:

If you are in business you most probably enjoy watching this brilliant gemstone: It took a long natural process to reach this perfection in the structure of this stone.  Then it took many tools and experts to cut it in a way that each facet of the surface emanates the brilliance.

A Brilliant Square Cut Diamond:

In a perfect world all children would grow up exposed to such experiences.  We should all be taught about the wonders of this world, large and small.  
These feeling of awe expands our relationship with time, it inspires creativity, it gives us hope and helps us appreciate life.  It connects us to nature and provides a sense of fulfillment.  It can even be transformative.

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