Thursday, May 14, 2015

Balance of Abundance and Scarcity

I'd like to point out that in our modern world there is potential for abundance in almost every imaginable resource.  Clear examples that come to mind are the abundance of energy from the sun and the abundance of water in our planet.
Most of all there is abundance of new ideas coming up every day with the help of our collective intelligence and imagination.
The idea of scarcity came about from our history of hunting and gathering, the time where we did not have the tools and the technology we have today.  There was no agriculture or print or highly developed industries.  Our survival instincts caused us to believe the scarcity is detrimental.
It is often and common that we hear about water shortages or an energy crisis.  We easily get into a conflict mode and debate as to how to resolve these shortages.
The current drought in California is considered the worst in over a hundred years.  Studies of tree rings show this drought is worst in over 1200 years.
Please check my March 29 post on Israel and water.  This is what Booky Oren pointed out:  There is all the snow on the mountains.  There are floods.  There is the ocean water that can be desalinated.  It is possible for humans to use their ingenuity and imagination to create a water delivery system that is efficient and equitable for all.
In the past century we have been utilizing coal mines, fossil fuel and atomic power plants to create energy.  Each of these methods caused multiple problems in our planet.  The time is here when we are ready to utilize the abundant energy from our sun.  Solar panels are getting improved every day and there is the vision and technology to harness this energy in batteries.

The concern about scarcity follows us throughout our lives.  If some people are very rich we feel that they take all there is and leave nothing for us.  But the idea of abundance is the idea that there is always plenty for all and as people have more opportunities they also create more abundance. 
Watch this video on Tesla Energy by Elon Musk:

Wind Farm in Germany:

Tesla battery for the home:

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